- In the command line: direct to your project name position
cd <project name>
- Go to your GitHub to build a new repository
You can find the HTTPS or SSH on the right side in the code button
- In the command line: add local project files remotely to GitHub location
cd <project name>
- Change the package.json file:
In package.json add “homepage”, “predeploy” and “deploy”
- Run the command line to deploy
npm deploy
git add .
git commit -m 'deploy pages to github'
git push origin master
Now your pages are deployed to GitHub
Btw since the <master> changed to <main>, you can run
git push origin main
- Looking up the URL of your project
Go to the GitHub repository of your project then setting to see the URL, make sure the root is gh-pages
Hurray!!! The site is published now.🤩
You can follow me on Twitter at @MSujata13 or on LinkedIn at @mishrasujata
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